해외 가톨릭 사립학교 재단이 직접 운영하는 믿을 수 있는 교육 기관
123 Walcott Street, Pawtucket, RI 02860
Tel : (401)-723-8100 www.saintrays.org
학교형태Overbook 기숙사 거주, 학교 통학
인근도시보스턴(1시간 30분 거리)
학교위치Pawtucket, RI
교사 대 학생 비율1 : 18
학생현황Day students 97%, International 3%
클래스 당 평균 학생 수18-20명
주변환경퀄리티 힐(Quality Hill)로 알려진 조용하고 안전한 주거 지역에 위치
Guidance, Healey Library Media Center, Tech Center, West Cafeteria, Vice Principal of Academics Office, Barbara Farley Hall (Annex) classrooms 101-104, Mathematics and science classrooms 1-8, Navigant Credit Union Gallery, Drama Department, Principal, Admissions, Business, Communications, Alumni and Development Offices, Athletics and Wellness Center, Athletic Director’s Office, Physical Education Office, Purple and Gold Zone (school store), East Cafeteria, Vice Principal of Student Life Office, Main Office (Room 25), Pastoral Services, Bookstore, Information Technology’s Office, Nurse’s Office; English, Foreign Language, Social Studies and Theology classrooms 11-35.
AP 10 과목 제공, Theology, English, Mathematics, Foreign Language (French or Spanish), Biology, World Cultures, Fine Arts elective in music or art, Physical Education/ Health, Chemistry, Public Speaking, Creative Writing, Journalism, Literary Magazine, Film as Literature, Diversity and Social Justice, American Government, Psychology I, Psychology II, Modern European History, Sociology, World History through Film, Forensics, Anatomy, Anatomy/Physiology, Drawing and Painting I, Drawing and Painting II, 3D Art, Digital Design, Film Design, Theater Arts, Sports and Entertainment Marketing, Intro to Computer Programming, Personal Finance, Business and Criminal Law, Concert Choir, Instrumental Program, Advanced Guitar, AP Psychology, AP Biology, AP Chemistry and/or AP Environmental Science, AP Human Geography, AP Calculus AB, AP United States History, AP Biology, AP Chemistry, AP Environmental Science etc.
Fall Sports
Football, Cheerleading, Cross Country, Soccer, Tennis, Volleyball
Winter Sports
Basketball, Competition Cheerleading, Ice Hockey, Indoor Track, Swimming
Spring Sports
Baseball, Softball, Outdoor Track, Volleyball, Lacrosse, Tennis, Co-Ed Golf
Overbrook Academy 제공 고등학생을 위한 기숙사 거주
기숙사와 학교 간 통학 서비스 제공, 방과후 활동 지원
Weekly outings, 가톨릭 여성 봉헌자 및 Assistant staff들의 개인별 세심한 관리
학기 중 짧은 방학동안 여행 및 활동 제공
National Education Association of Schools and Colleges (NEASC), National Catholic Education Association (NCEA), Rhode Island Association of School Principals (RIASP), Lasallian Association of Secondary School Chief Administrators (LASSCA)